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Trenbolone 200


  • Product and Laboratory: Trenbolone Enanthate by Dragon Pharma
  • Effects: Strong increase in lean muscle mass, increased muscle hardness, increased definition
  • Ingredients: Trenbolone (Ester: Enanthate)
  • Form: Injection
  • Concentration: 200 mg/ml
  • Presentation: 1 vial of 10ml
  • Dosage: 300-800mg/week for 8-10weeks
  • Protection during treatment: Letrozole (if needed) / Anastrozole (Arimidex) / Always use testosterone with trenbolone
  • Pct post cycle therapy: 1 Clomid and 1 Nolvadex per day for 20 days

Benefits of Trenbolone Enanthate

While steroids in general are reputed for their ‘powerful’ and almost immediate capacity to inspire growth of lean muscle mass, the often widely overlooked fact is that incredibly fast results such as those inspired by Anadrol come with water and fat mass on top of the expected lean muscles. Although trenbolone offers mass gains at a slightly slower rate, the advantage is that it guarantees development of pure lean mass. What’s more, it helps uphold visibility over the entire cycle and even enhance it provided you have low levels of body fat.

Among the most prominent of its benefits include:

  • Enhances the capacity of nutrient uptake
  • Boosts overall body anabolism which then helps to enhance effects by other steroid types in a cycle
  • Quickens muscle growth
  • Promotes significant gains in body strength
  • Enhances speed of recovery
  • Boosts your libido
  • Enhances the capacity for burning fats
  • Promotes muscular dryness
substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 bottle, ml


Packages by package, pcs





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