

Pharmaqo Labs Trenbolone Hexy


Product Description

What is trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate?

Trenbolone hex is the longer-acting esterified variant of an anabolic Trenbolone steroid. It is an androgen and anabolic steroid, which comes as an injectable. It is used as a powerful aphrodisiac and a fat burner. Recent research has shown that it has some antioxidizing power that helps in the heart’s proper functioning. This is one of the most powerful and strong steroids of all time. It helps to make muscles grow along with appetite.

How trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate works?

It has a longer half-life, meaning the time during which this steroid’s blood level is reduced to one half. However, it will affect the hormone release time after being injected. Its half-life takes up to two weeks. This steroid serves by altering the release rate and half-life of the hormone. It has a very high resistance to metabolism in the body, making it have a much better anabolic effect. It is two times higher in androgenic activity and five-time higher anabolic.

How to take trenbolone hex?

Most beginner steroid users hesitate to choose trenbolone hex as their priority because it is much suited to experts or professionals who have been taking steroids for a long time.it is recommended to start at a low dose, ideally 100-150 mg weekly, for a 12-week cycle

Intermediate users can inject 150-200mg weekly for a 12-week cycle.

This steroid is not prescribed for females as it is a powerfully androgenic steroid; small doses are likely to exhibit male characteristics.


Don’t take any drug/ steroid without consulting your doctor. If you are prone to hair fall, acne, or insomnia, it is advisable to avoid it. It is not recommended for women and children to intake such steroids.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 bottle, ml


Packages by package, pcs



Laboratoires Pharmaqo


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